Amaral, AVR, Wolffram, D, Moraga, P, and Bracher, J (2025). Post-processing and weighted combination of infectious disease nowcasts. PLOS Computational Biology.
Zhong, R, Amaral, AVR, and Moraga, P (2024). Spatial data fusion adjusting for preferential sampling using INLA and SPDE. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series A).
Amaral, AVR, Rubio, FJ, Quaresma, M, Rodríguez-Cortés, FJ, and Moraga, P (2024). Extended Excess Hazard Models for Spatially Dependent Survival Data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research.
Amaral, AVR, Krainski, ET, Zhong, R, and Moraga, P (2023). Model-based Geostatistics under Spatially Varying Preferential Sampling. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics.
Amaral, AVR, González, JA, and Moraga, P (2022). Spatio-temporal modeling of infectious diseases by integrating compartment and point process models. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.
Mahmood, M,Amaral, AVR, Mateu, J, and Moraga, P (2022).Modeling infectious disease dynamics:Integrating contact tracing-based stochastic compartment and spatio-temporal risk models. Spatial Statistics.
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Amaral AVR, Sykulski AM, Cavan E, and Fielding, S (2024). Navigating Challenges in Spatio-temporal Modelling of Antarctic Krill Abundance: Addressing Zero-inflated Data and Misaligned Covariates. arXiv preprint.