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Mini-courses Taught

  • Location: Machine Learning & Global Health (MLGH) Workshop at Imperial College London.
    Position: Instructor.
    Year: April 2024.
    Course: INLA tutorial.
    Description: This one-day mini-course covered the basics of the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) method and the R-INLA package. The material is available here.
  • Location: International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB2022).
    Position: Instructor.
    Year: November 2022.
    Course: Spatio-temporal Point Pattern Data Analysis with Applications in Health Surveillance and Environmental Data.
    Description: This one-day mini-course covered the basics of statistical point pattern data analysis using spatio-temporal point processes techniques for modeling environmental and public health-related problems. The material is available here.


  • Location: Imperial College London.
    Position: Guest lecturer.
    Year: Spring, 2024.
    Course: Spatial Statistics (MATH60139/70139).
    Description: As part of the “Spatial Stistics” module, I was invited by Dr. Adam Sykulski to teach a section on “Inference on Point Processes”. The material is available here.

Teaching Assistant

  • Institution: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.
    Position: Graduate Teaching Assistant.
    Year: Fall, 2021 and Fall, 2022 (twice).
    Class: Applied Statistics with R (STAT 215).
    Description: Under the supervision of Dr. Joaquin Ortega, I graded homework and problem sets, held office hours, and provided tutorial sessions on the relevant topics. The material is available here.
  • Institution: Collaboration between King Abdullah University of Science and Technology and ARAMCO.
    Position: Teaching Assistant.
    Year: Summer, 2022.
    Class: Applied Statistics and Data Analysis (DSA004).
    Description: This was a four-day course given to ARAMCO employees in collaboration with King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Under the supervision of Dr. Paula Moraga, I taught the case studies that complemented the core material. My material is available here.
  • Institution: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.
    Position: Graduate Teaching Assistant.
    Year: Spring, 2022.
    Class: Contemporary Topics in Statistics (STAT 294).
    Description: As in the syllabus, this course was about exploring the statistical software R and using it to create interactive visualizations, websites, packages, etc. Under the supervision of Dr. Paula Moraga, I graded coursework, held office hours, and provided tutorial sessions on some relevant topics. The material is available here.
  • Institution: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil.
    Position: Graduate Teaching Assistant.
    Year: 2020.
    Class: Probability and Statistics (Estatística e Probabilidades).
    Description: Under the supervision of Dr. Cristiano Santos, I taught the course material during half of the semester—covering from Descriptive Statistics (using R as a complementary tool) to the basic concepts of Probability Theory. The material (in Portuguese) is available here.